Monday, March 19, 2012


Random thoughts for today - I should think less.  I just am sick of today already. But I know I have to keep going. Just rough sometimes. I keep thinking "if only" thoughts. But you have to work with what you have. This is it.

If this is it, I just need to hang on a little longer. I need to distract this mind of mine. I know I need to just go for it. But, I think that I will do that tomorrow. Can you blame me? I mean, it's Monday. On top of that, Michael Bay is trying to ruin the Ninja Turtles. TMNT rules. They are mutants, not aliens. Stupid Michael Bay.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I think I might have come down with something.  I know, I need to write here more often.  I keep getting writer's block, but that is no excuse for not sharing my complete randomness.  I've been working on webdesign stuff, was thinking about turning the wife's car into a giant robot.  The usual.  However, yesterday and today I feel like I brain is encased in a container that is slowing everything down.  I keep pushing through though...I know I won't get better this way, but you can't change what a fool believes.

Michael McDonald has an awesome voice.  I'm spacing so bad I almost forgot I was writing because I stopped to listen to this song.  Man...I'm out.  I hope I get well so I can write again.