Otherwise, everything is pretty cool. Calvin is excited, and apparently doesn't care if he has a little brother or sister, as long as they copy him. Sometimes I copy him, so I'm sure his siblings will emulate him. However, I need to keep him from teaching them about how Dad is a horrible gambler. I can't afford to keep losing money. That's right, The Calfo has learned that I am not that good at gambling. He recently learned how to play Gin Rummy. I told him I used to play for money, and that got him very interested in playing. Last time I looked at the scorecard, I'm glad I haven't played him for money. He's too smart for my own good. I'm sure he'll be a good older brother.
You know, it's funny, but becoming a father again has me pretty anxious. I'm coming to grips with two big things right now. One is that there actually is a human being incubating inside of my lovely wife's insides. The other is that I will be responsible for another human being. The first is one I just have to accept. The second is a little tricky. It's this thought that another child means another chance to completely mess up. I just got distracted by the dog pushing a bone across the room. He was just pushing it from one side to the other, like another location would provide better access to the chewy insides hiding inside the bone. The dog has also been good about helping me adjust to what is to come. Last night he started hyperventilating because he needed to go outside...in the middle of the night. Of course I took him out, and he was happy for that. Well, back to messing up...I think I'm just worried because I want to do a good job. I think if I wasn't worried, I should be worried. Does that even make sense?
Oh, and in case you were wondering, I've already volunteered to get up as often as I can in the middle of the night once baby is here. I know there are times where Corey will have to get up (that whole feeding thing is something I also cannot do with my own body), but when I can do it I will. I'm going into all this with the mindset that we are partners. The only things that I'm leaving as "things that the mother does" have to do with things that I'm physically incapable of. I know this is going to be wonderful and difficult and lovely and painful and crazy and that raising children is always going to be an adventure. I just want to make sure that I'm doing my part. I already feel behind, because she will forever be able to hold "I grew that!" over my head. But that's OK.
Well, I think I'm going to sign off. I will leave you with some Muse for absolutely no reason. See you next time!