Friday, October 14, 2011


So, this won't be long. This song was stuck in my head. Savage Garden had some great stuff that never hit the radio.

Well, today was a productive day. A day that felt like it went on forever, but productive.
So, I don't always like putting politics in my random thoughts, but I keep thinking the Occupy movement has seriously outgrown its name. Unless the only goal is to occupy spaces, it is time to define who they are. Economic justice, income equality, end corruption; all things that seem to be a common theme. The Economic American Revolution? No, it has become international. "Demand Economic Justice"? Not easy enough to remember or say. "Taking Our Rights Back"? Does #TARB look funny? "Defend All Rights Today"? #DART would work...maybe. Someone get back to me on this, I seriously think the movement needs a real name. In this day and age, having a recognizable name is alot. The multiple hash tags you have to follow on Twitter makes it hard to follow. It is also a mistake to give the movement a name associated with the recent 99% pictures and such. I say that because if there are people in the 1% that want to help the 99%, they shouldn't feel like they are outsiders. They should feel like they are all equals as people. Hmmm... "Stop Injustice Globally"... "Equal Rights Now". #ERN could work. "The Movement for Equal Rights Now" is the best I have that can get a consistent hashtag. Tweet your ideas to @cdstmichael or comment here. My brain won't stop pondering this.


  1. More Equality in the Workforce - #MEW
    American Dream 2.0 - #AD2
    Justice Or Bust - #JOB

    Nothing spectacular, but a few random sleepy ideas to add to your collection...

  2. I like the "American Dream 2.0" and #AD2 would work as well. Hmm...maybe I should write an open letter to the Occupy movement.
