So, here we are. All we are is dust in the wind. In Genesis 3:19, we are reminded of this with the words
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.Because we came from dust, we shall return to dust. And in that sense, all things that came from the Earth shall return to the Earth. Whatever money you have, whatever power you have, it can do nothing to stop the inevitable return to the Earth. Everything is dust in the wind.
But can't we walk away with something more? This is also a reminder that our time is precious. We cannot buy more time. We can't use power to stave off the inevitable. We must simply live the best we can. Now, if you read my last post, you'd also know that all things pass away. But don't distress, because death too will pass. Though it may be a certainty that we die, we will also live again. It is that our life here is destined to return to the dust from which we came. The body that is born of this world will die in this world. It is the spirit that lives on.
Don't fret about wealth, power, fame, glory - those things will also someday be dust, forgotten by time. Our bodies may just be waiting to return to dust, but our souls live on. This is our eternal grace, and it is this finite existence here that this song reminds us of. An important message to take from all of this is that we need to do the most with what we have - because we won't always have it.
after the week I have had... I needed this more than you know. Thank you.