Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So, today was full of jokes and laughter and such. It was also full of hard work, but when Colin is there, there will be fun. I even corrected his Snoop Dogg grammer. Yeah, I had to do that.
Long day, but a fun one. When you try, you can make almost anything more fun. Like combining "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "Never Gonna Give You Up"!

Love how well that fits together. If I had a secret laboratory I could mix things together like that. At the moment, the closest I come is possibly making a secret lavatory...not as exciting. Well, have to start somewhere. Can't be an evil genius without some secret hideout. I'm going for mad scientist status. I'll have cat's with rocket packs! I mean, they will probably craah, but it sounds cool. Hmmm. Maybe I'll stick to the giant robotic suit for now...

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