Monday, August 29, 2011


Well, it seems that I got really busy for a while there.  I'm eating lunch right now.  Well, if you call a bag of microwave popcorn lunch.  I figured while I  had the time, I'd write a little something here.  I think I need to take more time to just do things I like doing.  I know I have to work and all that, but I think I need to set aside some time while I'm really awake (anything you do on sleep aides or good painkillers doesn't really count) to do things I like to do.  I was out killing people in Warcraft and heard this song.  I hadn't heard it in a long time, and couldn't even remember it's name or who it was by.  It turned out to be "I'd Love To Change The World" by Ten Years After.

Pretty awesome.  I think that Colin and I need to figure out how to remake this.  Maybe Shaun can drum for it.  We'll start a band.  It will not be a very good band, mainly because I'm not sure that I'd be all that much help, and we'd have to have more people to overcome my tone-deafness.  Maybe I should write new songs? 
I wrote a short story today. I might write another.  I have deadlines coming up.  This one was "flash fiction" where you write a short story that is limited in length and people have to kind of put the story together from what little detail they are given.  Mine is here.  Feel free to be honest.  I'm still working out the whole writing thing.  That has also suffered form my lack of ability to multitask lately.  I think I need to start doing more things at once.  Let my brain do it's crazy thing where it sorts everything into the correct pile.  Yeah.  That's the ticket.  Well, hopefully I can get back to doing this every day.  It at least keeps my writing skills fresh.

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