I would like to open with a song that shows how my brain works.
Much like these songs all mash up to make one song, my thoughts often run together into one stream that may not always make sense to anyone but me. The worst is when I'm trying to sleep.
Insomnia is one of the worst things I've ever had to deal with. Especially since that train of thought that runs through my head at 300 miles per hour doesn't stop for sleep. It is actually enhanced when I try to sleep, because I have nothing to focus on. They say I should try reading. I read through Genesis and Exodus before I decided it was time to put it down and try something else. I've read entire books in a night. Now, audio books are another matter. I can listen to them and I have to focus, but can do so with my eyes closed. But I got myself distracted. That happens a lot too. Not that I lost track of my original thought, I just had 8 others that wanted my attention.
Insomnia. It is not fun. It is not anything I would wish on anyone. Here is the problem. I can't sleep when I need to sleep. Then I fall asleep with about 5-6 hours of available time to sleep. This sleep doesn't make me feel rested. It is just sleep. Then I wake up, and it is terribly hard to wake up because I feel like I should sleep more. But I can't.
I can't. I have to get up and work or do things when people are awake. And it is hard, my brain recovers quickly and is on the go again, but my body begins to have troubles. Then my thoughts get more sporadic. Then I crash, sleep for a long time, and then I'm ready to go again for a while. I keep trying to adjust my sleep cycle, but that hasn't worked. It's like I'm running in circles. I don't get anywhere but back where I started.
I've been told the insomnia is part of the bipolar deal. I'd believe that. As I've gotten older, I've had more trouble with it. I guess when I was young, I could deal with having a few hours of sleep better than I can now. Now it just causes me to be tired all the time, and it is harder to think. I actually just got lost in that last sentence. I will say, the last two posts I've made were from my phone. I'm actually sitting down at my computer to type this. It is easier. I can get out more faster. My brain just flows out of my fingers like it is nothing at all. I'm glad I learned how to type. It would be painful to try to get this out if I had to peck at the keyboard.
So, here I am, about to try to sleep, already worried that I'll just end up spending another night waiting for my brain to finally wear out so I can sleep. Waiting is hard. I think when the lights go out. I ask questions that have no answers. Why am I here? Why has there been 2000 years of silence from God? What happens when we die? Am I just part of someone's dream? See, this is the crap I have running through my head. That and blueprints for anything I could ever think of.
Really, I'm just ranting today. I think it's because I'm nearing the cusp of sleeplessness. This is a point where I break and sleep a lot or my mind hits the reset button and I spend a day with thoughts blasting at triple speed, and then it calms down. We'll see which one it is this time.
Oh, and for the record, I've tried almost every sleep aid I can think of. So far, no luck. They did make me a God in guitar hero. OK, not quite that good, but I played really well. I think it was one of the only times I excelled on expert. Why was I playing guitar hero on sleep meds? Because after 2 hours of nothing, I was stir crazy. I got up, decided to play a few songs, and then did really well. I'm not sure what the next step is. Maybe it's acceptance? Or maybe I finally find that magic little ritual that lulls my body into a deep, relaxing sleep. Well, I'll see you next time. Wait...I can't see you. You can't see me...oh, you know what I mean. I'm over thinking this again.